Pray for Sikkim


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Unreached Groups

The early history of Sikkim starts in the 13th century with the signing of a blood-brotherhood treaty between the Lepcha Chief Thekong Tek and Tibetan prince Khye-Bumsa at Kabi Lungtsok in North Sikkim. With the march of history, events in Sikkim saw the state pass through the process of democratization and became an integral part of the Indian Union in 1975. Sikkim is a blessed land, where people from all communities live in harmony. In spite of the fact that Sikkim comprises of different people and multi ethnic society, of the Indian Union to promote communal harmony and human relations, a feat which is much expected in a plural society like India.

The world’s third highest mountain, Kanchenjunga, regarded as the guardian deity of Sikkim, dominates the tiny Himalayan State with its awe-inspiring beauty and majesty. Sikkim is one of the 18 Biodiversity hotspots in the world. The Sikkim Himalayas show tremendous biological diversity. Situated in the eastern Himalayas, Sikkim is one of the most beautiful States of the Indian Union. Sikkim is adorned with snowy mountains, luxuriant forests with exotic flora and fauna, pristine waterfalls, sacred lakes, holy caves, medicinal hot springs, cascading rivers and gentled streams. It is the destination for all seasons.

Prayer Points

  1. For a Revival in the churches of various denominations in Sikkim.
  2. For the advancement of missionary work among Tribal people in the State done by Missionary Organizations.
  3. For the Believers to sincerely pray for a Revival in Sikkim.
  4. For a unity among the believers of all Evangelical Churches in Sikkim.
  5. For the believers to have a burden for the souls.
  6. For the believers to stand against all efforts of Satan to divert the believers from following Jesus Christ, towards the world.
  7. For the welfare of all the poor, downtrodden, destitute and orphans and the organizations which work for the welfare of those people.
  8. First of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.(I Timothy 1:1-2)
  9. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask (Pray to) the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” – Jesus (Math:9:37-38)
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