Past Revival – A Review

Revival in the twentieth century had its roots in the eighteenth century Wesleyan concept of sanctification and the subsequent nineteenth century holiness churches emphasizing an experience of ‘entire sanctification’. From within these movements with their promotion of a ‘second blessing’ grew acceptance and promotion of a specific, empowering work of God’s grace.


  • 1901 – January: Topeka, Kansas, North America (Charles Parham)
  • 1904 – October: Loughor, Wales (Evan Roberts)
  • 1905 – June: Mukti, India (Pandita Ramabai)
  • 1905 – October: Dohnavur, South India (Amy Carmichael)
  • 1906 – March: Assam, North East India
  • 1906 – April: Los Angeles, North America (William Seymour)
  • 1907 – January: Pyongyang, Korea
  • 1908 – China (Jonathan Goforth)
  • 1909 – July: Valparaiso, Chile (Willis Hoover)
  • 1914 – Belgian Congo, Africa (Charles T Studd)
  • 1915 – October: Gazaland, South Africa (Rees Howells)
  • 1921 – March: Lowestroft, England (Douglas Brown)
  • 1927 – February: Shanghai, China (John Sung)
  • 1936 – June: Gahini, Rwanda
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