Pray for Goa


Capital City




Christian Adherents

Unreached Groups

Goa, known in the bygone days as Gomanchala, Gopakapattam, Gopakapuri, Govapuri, Gomantak, etc., abounds in a rich historical heritage. After the discovery of the sea route to India by Vasco-da-Gama in 1498, many Portuguese expeditions came to India. In 1510, Alfonso de Albuquerque with the help of the emperor of Vijayanagar attacked and captured Goa. With the arrival of the Jesuit priest Francis Xavier in 1542 proselytisation began in Goa. However, the Portuguese continued to rule over the territory except for an interlude during the latter half of the 17th century Even after India’s independence, Goa continued to be in the hands of the Portuguese. However, they could not fulfil the aspirations of the Goan people and ultimately on 19 December 1961, Goa was liberated and made a composite union territory with Daman and Diu. On 30 May 1987 Goa was conferred statehood and Daman and Diu was made a separate union territory.

Goa is situated on the western coast of the Indian Peninsula. On its north runs the Terekhol River which separates Goa from Maharashtra and on the south lies North Canara district of Karnataka. On the east lie the Western Ghats and on the west the Arabian Sea. Panaji, Margao, Vasco, Mapusa and Ponda are the main towns of Goa.

Christianity was introduced in the State in 1342. The Portuguese mission converted a large number of people towards Christianity and about 40% of the population was converted to Christianity. The entire Christian community is Catholic. The protestants are few in number. They belong to the Church of Christ, Brethern, Pentecostal mission, New Life Fellowship and Methodists. The protestants comprise just 0.04% of the Christians. The Methodists also have churches. The New Life Fellowship does missionary work.

Prayer Points

  1. For a Revival in the churches of various denominations in the State.
  2. For the advancement of missionary work among Tribal people in the State done by Missionary Organizations.
  3. For the Believers to sincerely pray for a Revival in their State.
  4. For a unity among the believers of all Evangelical Churches.
  5. For the believers to have a burden for the souls.
  6. For the believers to stand against all efforts of Satan to divert the believers from following Jesus Christ, towards the world.
  7. For the welfare of all the poor, downtrodden, destitute and orphans and the organizations which work for the welfare of those people.
  8. First of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.(I Timothy 1:1-2)
  9. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask (Pray to) the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field”– Jesus (Math:9:37-38)
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