Pray for Jammu and Kashmir


Capital City




Christian Adherents

Unreached Groups

Islam came to Kashmir during 13th and 14thcentury A.D. In 1752, Kashmir passed on from the feeble control of the Mughal emperor of the time to Ahmed Shah Abdali of Afghanistan. The Valley was ruled by the Pathans for 67 years.

The land of Jammu was divided into 22 hill principalities. The State was governed by Dogra rulers till 1947, when the Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession in favour of the Indian Union on 26 October, 1947.

Agriculture constitutes an important sector of the state economy as around 70 per cent of the population of J&K derive greater part of their income directly or indirectly from this sector. Jammu and Kashmir is well known for its horticulture produce both in India and abroad.

Jammu and Kashmir is an important tourist destination and has been a place of attraction for tourists since centuries.

Prayer Points

  1. For a Revival in the churches of various denominations in the State.
  2. For the advancement of missionary work among Tribal people in the State done by Missionary Organizations.
  3. For the Believers to sincerely pray for a Revival in their State.
  4. For a unity among the believers of all Evangelical Churches.
  5. For the believers to have a burden for the souls.
  6. For the believers to stand against all efforts of Satan to divert the believers from following Jesus Christ, towards the world.
  7. For the welfare of all the poor, downtrodden, destitute and orphans and the organizations which work for the welfare of those people.
  8. First of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.(I Timothy 1:1-2)
  9. Pray for a lasting peace in the State.
  10. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask (Pray to) the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” – Jesus (Math:9:37-38)
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